Uber Fare Calculator
Uber Fare Calculator
Get calculated fare by using our Uber Fare Calculator. The Uber Fare price calculator will help you to know the estimeted Fare Price buy Uber according to the Distance and city.
What is Uber Fare Calculator ?
Uber fare calculator is tool that helps you to get estimated fare priceby just simply put City name and Distance to be travel. It is very easy and simple tool to know your uber fare before uber cab book.
How use Uber Fare Calculator
To use Uber fare Calculator follow the given below step-by-step :-
- Just Select the City Name in which you want to travel. For example, Select "Delhi".
- After that Enter the Distance in kilometers. For Example "30".
- Hit the Calculate Fare button. You will get Uber Fare Price instant.

Note : This is just estimated uber fare, Actual Fare may different.
How much does Uber cost per minute ?
Here is the Uber cost per minute for each city is given below :-
- Mysore – ₹1 per minute
- Gurgaon – ₹1 per minute
- Noida – ₹1 per minute
- Jaipur – ₹1 per minute
- Chandigarh – ₹1 per minute
- Indore – ₹1 per minute
- Ahmedabad – ₹1 per minute
- Hyderabad – ₹1 per minute
- Bangalore – ₹1 per 3 minutes (First 5 mins free).
Can I pay Uber with cash?
Yes, You Can Pay Uber Fare with Cash.
How Much Does a 40-Minute uber cost ?
If you book Uber for a 40-minute then the cost will depend on time and the care you choose. The cost also vary in Peak Hours.