Expense Ratio Calculator : Here is Expense Ratio Calculator for mutual fund, that allows to calculate the expense ( Brokerage) on Mutual Fund. Expense ratio is the charges taken by AMCs of Mutual Fund that we buy.
Expense ration is charged on yearly basis. Later it divded by days.
Expense Ratio Calculator for Mutual Fund Lumpsum Investment
What is Expense Ratio Calculator ?
Expense ratio calulator let you to calculate the expense occur when buying and selling mutual Fund. It will help investors to know the comission and charges taken by AMCs.
It will make more aware before investing in mutual fund.
How to use Expense Ratio Calculator ?
To use expense ratio calculator ,it will need only few things. investors have to give input of Invested Amount, “Expense ratio” ( it will provided by AMCs) “Duration” and “Expected Reutrn”.

For Example,
let we want to invest 1,00,00 rupees for 5 years and expense ratio of the mutual fund is 1.5% . Assume the expected return is 10% on the investment.
then we will get this kind of result ;-
Total Expense Over 5 Years: ₹ 7500.00
Future Value Before Expense: ₹ 161051.00
Future Value After Deducting Expense: ₹ 153551.00
Also Check Our SIP Expense Ratio Calculator