Risk Reward Ratio Calculator For Stocks, Futures, Options, and Forex Trading

Risk Reward Ratio Calculator

Risk Reward Ratio Calculator : In the world of trading, It is very important to know the risk and reward of the trade. Here our Risk Reward Ratio Calculator will give you the idea of how much you are taking risk against reward.

Lets Start !

Risk-Reward Calculator

Risk-Reward Calculator

Risk-Reward Ratio:

Risk (Percentage): %

Reward (Percentage): %


What is Use of Risk Reward Ratio Calculator ?

Risk Reward Ratio Calculator lets you know about how much you are going to bet on the trade. It will give you the idea while taking trades.

For Example you want to buy stock/future/option or Forex ar 120 and keep stop loss as set target price 150, then result will be like this :-

Risk-Reward Ratio: 1:1.50

Risk (Percentage): 16.67%

Reward (Percentage): 25.00%

Evaluation: Poor *

* 1:2 risk reward considered good, below this considered poor.