Age Calculator In Excel

Age Calculator In Excel

Age Calculator In Excel Sheet is excel based tool that will provide you exact age in terms of years, Month and days. Our Age Calculator In Excel Sheet is very easy use and it give quick result.

Click here to download Age Calculator In Excel Sheet Free !

What is Age Calculator In Excel sheet

Age Calculator In Excel Sheet in which you can calculate the age in just few input. Age Calculator In Excel need to use online. It can be use offline as per own use.

How to use Age Calculator In Excel sheet ?

This Excel file helps you Calculate the exact age (in years, months, and days) based on a given birthdate.

To calculate Age follow the given below steps :-

Enter Birthdate

In cell A3, type the date of birth (e.g., 01-01-1990).

Today’s Date Auto-Fills:

The “Today’s Date” (Cell B3) updates automatically every day.

Check Age Calculation:

C3 → Displays Age in Years

D3 → Displays Months (beyond completed years)

E3 → Displays Days (beyond completed months)

Get Results Instantly! the age will be on cell

The age updates automatically without any manual calculations.

How to Download Age Calculator In Excel sheet ?

To Download Age Calculator In Excel sheet, below is given link to get it.

Click here To download Age Calculator In Excel Sheet free


How do I use this calculator?

Simply enter your birthdate in Cell A3, and the sheet will instantly calculate your age based on today’s date.

Is Age Calculator In Excel sheet free to download ?

Yes, Age Calculator In Excel sheet free to download.

Will this work in Google Sheets?

Yes, it works in Google Sheets, but you may need to allow auto-updating formulas for the best results.

Does this calculator work on mobile devices?

Yes, it works on mobile versions of Excel and Google Sheets, but some automatic updates may require manual refreshing.